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Pulsar PG1202S Gas Powered Generator

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Yes, but I've seen a few others that have better reviews that this one. I didn't read them all yet but only looked at the 5 star ratings for now. Trust me, I do my homework thoroughly before I buy anything whether it's online or brick and mortar. LOL But, sometimes the reviews are faked! Try this website to see how well the product reviews really are:

I posted this one because of the 5 star reviews in the beginning of them, and the price is such that anyone can afford it, plus there and many price and 5 star ones on the same page... Just an idea, better cost more most times. you can get to thousands of dollars and get 5 star reviews that are meaning less once you get home! some people complain, because they have no idea how it works and other just because they have another Brand and some that make no sense at all! Polsar has been a great name for many Years. and for 130 bucks, what can ask for?

Yes everyone should always check prices and features on all purchases!

The price is pretty good! :)

Some have complained that it is not 1000 watts... when it states it is.
Fact is it states it is 900 watts constant.

If you want one for the fridge You need to Get full blown system with a no break systems, much to spend and maintain!~

And also you want something that one person can carry not, 2 men and boy lol! plus if you want to go camping fishing what ever!

Just and FYI..


Yes, I was reading about that. However, what it states and what it actually does "may" be 2 different things. Can't really tell without testing it for yourself.


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