Author Topic: Welcome JFFP !  (Read 6807 times)

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Welcome JFFP !
« on: September 01, 2015, 05:26:31 PM »
I'd like to take this time to welcome JFFP to Our site Team!

He will be the site Global Moderator and Theme Tester,
Thank you for joining me, in this effort to learn and share with others, the things we do and test here!
Learning is a never ending process, and all of us had to start somewhere. So if you have questions or need support, We will try our best to help you!

Remember the Stupid Question, is the one never asked!

Kind regards,
If You Seek, You Will Find! No matter what anyone Claims .. You Can do anything!
However if it's worth having, it takes real hard work and determination!
The one who wants you to progress is yourself.


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